Dekina LGA Postal Code

Hello there! Welcome to WikiSearch.com.ng, a leading postal code directory in Nigeria. You will discover the correct Dekina Postal Code (Dekina LGA Postal/Zip Code) of Kogi State Nigeria (all streets, areas, district and towns) as you proceed further.

Good day and welcome to WikiSearch.com.ng, here we have a tables showing you all postal codes of Dekina local government area of Kogi State. It sure should be an all in one guide to help you discover your current zip code of other regions in Dekina.

What we have here is all you need in relation to using the service of the Nigerian Postal Service (NIPOST) to have an item delivered to your location. You can also use this information while shopping online as your delivery address.

Our DEKINA Postal Code (Dekina Postcodes) table shows zip/postal codes of all the towns and areas situated in Dekina (an area/region in Kogi State). Also note that Postal Code and Zip Codes means same thing, people often have these confussion when they are been asked to provide correct zip code for their location while they only know of their postal code.

This list is grouped alphabetically for easy navigation and discovery of your area’s postal code around Dekina municipal/Local government area.

See below for all DEKINA Postal Codes for Kogi State, Nigeria.


Location Postcode
Abocho 272103
Ajochidi 272103
Gbokoluba 272103
Achigili 272103
Ajogwoni 272103
Ibolo 272103
Adiele 272103
Ajomachi 272103
Igbadim 272103
Adoji 272103
Ajonu-Ota 272103
Kefi 272103
Adoma 272103
Akpameta 272103
Lokp 272103
Adum 272103
Akpobi 272103
Ogbogbo 272103
Agada 272103
Angwa 272103
Ojogba 272103
Agbajo 272103
Araba 272103
Ojukpo 272103
Agidibai 272103
Atenokpe 272103
Okwolo 272103
Agojeju 272103
Ayanka 272103
Opada 272103
Ahojori 272103
Efikelegwu 272103
Uchaikpele 272103
Aje-Kelega 272103
Egbile-Ugani 272103
Ajebido 272103
Egomeha 272103
Ajegwuna 272103
Elika 272103
Ajieru 272103
Emewe 272103
Ajijeina 272103
Emewe-Efopa 272103


Location Postcode
Dekina 272101
Ofugo 272101
Uje 272101
Ebeje 272101
Ofujiji 272101
Ulaja 272101
Egudi 272101
Ogaloto 272101
Eturekpe 272101
Ogene-Enigu 272101
Agojeju 272101
Ireko 272101
Ojiakala 272101
Ajada 272101
Itaima 272101
Ojuakala 272101
Ajediomku 272101
Iyale 272101
Ojuapata 272101
Ajiolo 272101
Jeri 272101
Ojuwo 272101
Ajuchaja 272101
Ochele 272101
Okete 272101
Akpelu 272101
Odolu 272101
Okpakili 272101
Akure 272101
Odu 272101
Okpeyegede 272101
Alioko 272101
Odu Okpakili 272101
Ologba 272101
Aliolo 272101
Odu-Ofomu 272101
Onukpo 272101
Anama 272101
Odu-Ogboyaga 272101
Songhai 272101
Asbado 272101
Oduate 272101
Tandoma 272101
Ate-Uge 272101
Ofomu 272101
Ugbabo 272101
Adoloko 272101
Adum 272101
Agbada 272101
Agbeji 272101


Location Postcode
Ijoji 272102
Okura-Lafia 272102
Itama 272102
Okura-Sawmi II 272102
Lafia 272102
Okure-Egume 272102
Lakwi 272102
Ola 272102
Agbeji 272102
Ochaja 272102
Olaji 272102
Ajagum 272102
Ochaji 272102
Olowa 272102
Ajugwumu 272102
Ofakaga 272102
Onichaigo 272102
Alade 272102
Ofalikpa 272102
Onugba 272102
Aligi-Ado 272102
Ofanwa 272102
Owolowo 272102
Ameka 272102
Ofawuna 272102
Sanioko 272102
Ayangba 272102
Ofejiji 272102
Tuani-Oko 272102
Chikoro 272102
Ofiugo 272102
Egbole 272102
Ogbogodo 272102
Egume 272102
Ojapata 272102
Elubi 272102
Ojikpadala 272102
Iga 272102
Ojuwo 272102
Abejukolo 272102
Acharu 272102
Adumu 272102
Agala 272102
Categories: Kogi State