Get Fast (2024) is a fast-paced action thriller directed by and starring James Clayton, alongside Lou Diamond Phillips. The plot follows a thief teaming up with a troubled orphan to rescue his kidnapped partner after a heist goes awry. They face off against a ruthless drug lord, a corrupt hitman, and relentless adversaries, leading to intense chases, shootouts, and twists.
Packed with dark humor and adrenaline-fueled action, it’s a gritty, escapist ride. Critics appreciate its pacing and editing but note its simple storytelling focus
Movie Details
Type: Movie
Release Date: November 15, 2024
Country: Canada
Language: English
Genre: Action, Crime, Thriller
- James Clayton as The Thief
- Lou Diamond Phillips as The Cowboy
- Fei Ren as Nushi
- Lee Majdoub as Sly
- Alisha Ahamed as Ravi
- Philip Granger as Vic
- James Hutson as Don
- Elan Ross Gibson as Mrs. Murphy
- Suleiman Abutu as TomNo one outruns revenge.
When The Thief’s partner is kidnapped after stealing millions in cash from a merciless drug lord named Nushi, he reluctantly teams up with an angst-ridden orphan to rescue him. Nushi enlists her most trusted hitman, The Cowboy, a lovable charmer who’s quick with his guns, to track down the Thief. Guns, cars, and explosions will give the newfound partners a head start, but how long will they be able to keep it up?
Get Fast (2024)