The Hallmark Channel’s Jingle Bell Run is a delightful Christmas-themed romantic comedy set to warm hearts this holiday season. Directed by Lucie Guest, the movie stars Ashley Williams as Avery, a cautious schoolteacher, and Andrew W. Walker as Wes, a former hockey player. Their characters are paired unexpectedly in The Great Holiday Dash, a reality TV competition that takes contestants across various festive locations, solving puzzles and tackling holiday-themed challenges.
Initially at odds, Avery’s knack for problem-solving and Wes’s athletic skills make them a formidable team. As they journey through the competition, their professional teamwork evolves into a heartfelt connection. However, a misunderstanding threatens to derail their budding romance, testing their partnership and personal growth.
The film’s unique blend of competition, humor, and heartfelt moments explores themes of vulnerability, teamwork, and stepping outside one’s comfort zone. The festive backdrop and charming performances by the cast make Jingle Bell Run a quintessential holiday movie for families and fans of romantic comedies.
Catch the film on Hallmark Channel’s Christmas lineup, and enjoy a story about love, teamwork, and the magic of the season
Type: Movie
Release Date: November 16, 2024
Countries: Canada, United States of America
Language: English
Genre: Comedy, Romance
- Ashley Williams as Avery
- Andrew W. Walker as Wes
- Jason Nash as Tyler