Ohimini LGA Postal Code

Hi there, you will discover the correct Ohimini Postal Code | Ohimini LGA Postal/Zip Code of Benue State Nigeria.

Good day, here we have a tables showing you all postal codes of Ohimini local government area of Benue State. It sure should be an all in one guide to help you discover your current zip code of other regions in Ohimini.

What we have here is all you need in relation to using the service of the Nigerian Postal Service (NIPOST) to have an item delivered to your location. You can also use this information while shopping online as your delivery address.

Our Ohimini Postal Code (Ohimini Postcodes) table shows zip/postal codes of all the towns and areas situated in Ohimini, a region in Benue State.

This list is grouped alphabetically for easy navigation and discovery of your area’s postal code around Ohimini municipal.

See below for all Ohimini Postal Codes.


Location Postcode
Abache 972106
Ofiloko 972106
Onipi 972106
Adoka 972106
Ogbago 972106
Opah Adoka 972106
Aibeli 972106
Ogodum 972106
Opah Aiokpetaa 972106
Aichene 972106
Ogowu 972106
Otada 972106
Aikolekwu 972106
Ojakpama 972106
Udabi 972106
Aiobiduwa 972106
Ojanowa 972106
Uga 972106
Ajochoko 972106
Ojinebe 972106
Ukplago 972106
Alyeya 972106
Oklenyi-Uga 972106
Umalichi 972106
Anineju Ukwaba 972106
Okpaflo 972106
Umogidi 972106
Aukpa 972106
Okpannehe 972106
Upu 972106
Aune 972106
Okpeje 972106
Eeko 972106
Olakpoga 972106
Ekantili 972106
Olekpama 972106
Ipole 972106
Oleogwoja 972106
Iwili 972106
Oloke 972106
Obena 972106
Olokodeje 972106


Location Postcode
Obanyo 972101
Odonto 972101
Ofiloko 972101
Ogwuche 972101
Akwete 972101
Ogyoma 972101
Allan 972101
Ojigo 972101
Atitio 972101
Okpenen 972101
Aturukpo 972101
Omajaga 972101
Egbla 972101
Omebe 972101
Egbla Ndikwi 972101
Onyuwei 972101
Egbla Nje 972101
Otobi Camp 972101
Ejo 972101
Igbeji 972101
Igbudeke 972101
Isoo 972101
Nachi 972101
Adankari 972101
Adim 972101
Ahanyo 972101
Akwepa 972101


Location Postcode
Ukploko 972103
Agbeke 972103
Ikila 972103
Ai-Oga 972103
Ochobo 972103
Aigaji 972103
Ochobo-Centre 972103
Alagblanu 972103
Ojali 972103
Amoda 972103
Ojano 972103
Angue 972103
Okete 972103
Anwule 972103
Okete-Okpikwu 972103
Atapa 972103
Olugbane 972103
Atlo 972103
Omutelle 972103
Awulema 972103
Onyepa 972103
Eboya 972103
Otohia 972103
Ebu 972103
Elulu 972103
Enichi 972103
Idabi 972103
Ijaha 972103


Location Postcode
Abakpa 972104
Ogofu 972104
Adankali 972104
Ondo 972104
Agwa 972104
Otoje 972104
Ajegbe 972104
Ugene 972104
Anmaji 972104
Ugene-Icho 972104
Anonomi 972104
Ughoju Ega 972104
Ehatope 972104
Ukpobi-Echaje 972104
Enyioji 972104
Ukpobi-Ichoi 972104
Epideru 972104
Idekpa 972104
Ikpolle 972104
Ipiga 972104
Iyanya 972104
Odega 972104
Ogande 972104
Ogodu 972104


Location Postcode
Unwaba-Oju 972105
Ola-Himu 972105
Olegwaneku 972105
Ombi-Ehaje 972105
Ombi-Icho 972105
Omulonye 972105
Ona 972105
Onaje 972105
Owoto 972105
Umalichi 972105
Ai-Okpetu 972105
Ifete-Olubie 972105
Ofiloko 972105
Akpachi 972105
Igahuwo 972105
Ogobia 972105
Alaglanu 972105
Igblagidi 972105
Ogoli 972105
Angbier 972105
Ipaha 972105
Ojegidigbe 972105
Anwule 972105
Ipepe 972105
Okoto 972105
Aochemoche 972105
Ipokpene 972105
Okpligwu 972105
Aokwu 972105
Ipolo-Ehaje 972105
Okwudu 972105
Ebolo 972105
Ipolo-Ologbe 972105
Efeyi-Ankpa 972105
Ipom-Icho 972105
Efeyi-Igbanonaje 972105
Jericho 972105
Efeyi-Ipole 972105
Obo 972105
Emicho 972105
Obotu-Ehaje 972105
Eyokpa 972105
Obotu-Icho 972105
Ibaji 972105
Odaubi 972105
Ifete-Enumaje 972105
Oduda 972105
Ifete-Ipana 972105
Ofete-Olobele 972105
Categories: Benue State