Okehi LGA Postal Code

Hello there! Welcome to WikiSearch.com.ng, a leading postal code directory in Nigeria. You will discover the correct Okehi Postal Code (Okehi LGA Postal/Zip Code) of Kogi State Nigeria (all streets, areas, district and towns) as you proceed further.

Good day and welcome to WikiSearch.com.ng, here we have a tables showing you all postal codes of Okehi local government area of Kogi State. It sure should be an all in one guide to help you discover your current zip code of other regions in Okehi.

What we have here is all you need in relation to using the service of the Nigerian Postal Service (NIPOST) to have an item delivered to your location. You can also use this information while shopping online as your delivery address.

Our OKEHI Postal Code (Okehi Postcodes) table shows zip/postal codes of all the towns and areas situated in Okehi (an area/region in Kogi State). Also note that Postal Code and Zip Codes means same thing, people often have these confussion when they are been asked to provide correct zip code for their location while they only know of their postal code.

This list is grouped alphabetically for easy navigation and discovery of your area’s postal code around Okehi municipal/Local government area.

See below for all OKEHI Postal Codes for Kogi State, Nigeria.


Location Postcode
Isuwen 264101
Okuhapa-Uveto 264101
Ubepe 264101
Itakpe 264101
Okunya 264101
Uboro 264101
Itakpe Camp Kogi Poly. 264101
Omavi 264101
Uboro-Eda 264101
Obangede 264101
Oro-Osara Dam 264101
Uhuepa 264101
Obiete 264101
Osade 264101
Uhuoze 264101
Obonibom 264101
Osara 1&2 264101
Uro 264101
Ogogoro 264101
Osiro Okechi 264101
Usungwe 264101
Ohizenyi 264101
Osiro-Okehi 264101
Utoro 264101
Ohori 264101
Otaneire 264101
Zangodaji 264101
Ohuepe 264101
Otokiti Village 264101
Zariagi 264101
Ohuoze 264101
Otokoro 264101
Okaito 264101
Otutu-Are 264101
Okaito Central 264101
Ozare 264101
Okovito 264101
Ozietune 264101
Okuhapa-Eba 264101
Ozinete 264101
Okuhapa-Uvete 264101
Trekovi 264101
Abobo 264101
Eika-Sdagu 264101
Aboze 264101
Enyiosiretu 264101
Aguro 264101
Eyika-Eba 264101
Ahosochi 264101
Idajatu 264101
Akovito 264101
Idokere 264101
Aku 264101
Ikaturu 264101
Apipa 264101
Imanu 264101
Asango 264101
Inawe 264101
Atami 264101
Inochine 264101
Ebankoro 264101
Inokoro 264101
Ebikaturu 264101
Ireapana 264101
Eborere 264101
Irekovi 264101
Ege-Omavi 264101
Iremariku 264101
Eika Camp 1&2 264101
Irewagere 264101
Eika-Adagu 264101
Irikuochakoko 264101
Eika-Ehi 264101
Irusuegeze 264101


Location Postcode
Utobobo 264102
Ugba 264102
Uhwa 264102
Ukako 264102
Ukowa 264102
Umenezi 264102
Uto Ruku 264102
Ichoko 264102
Irivogo 264102
Onyamina 264102
Idarere 264102
Irivusechi 264102
Opopocho 264102
Ideziadobe 264102
Itakata 264102
Oride 264102
Idieziakuta 264102
Itutueba 264102
Oride Uvete 264102
Idihiete 264102
Obeiba 264102
Oruwhene 264102
Idohazi 264102
Oboroke Eba 264102
Osikoyi 264102
Ihuadu 264102
Oboroke-Uvete 264102
Osikoyi Eba 264102
Ijiwu 264102
Obuburu 264102
Otutueba 264102
Ebozohu 264102
Ikinato 264102
Odaire 264102
Ozuvete 264102
Engwuhehe 264102
Ikuehi 264102
Odosi 264102
Udioyivo 264102
Enyahevu 264102
Inareba 264102
Ogbeigba 264102
Epaka 264102
Inaruvete 264102
Ogidi New Layout 264102
Ewuru 264102
Inata 264102
Ohueta Eba 264102
Ichameba 264102
Inuji 264102
Ohuete Uvete 264102
Ichamete 264102
Irikuta 264102
Okahachi 264102
Ichenya 264102
Irivo 264102
Okunya 264102
Adedoyika 264102
Ahogede 264102
Akene 264102
Apamba 264102
Arawa 264102
Ebako 264102
Ebako Uvete 264102
Ebokechi 264102
Categories: Kogi State