Rafi LGA Postal Code

Hello there! Welcome to WikiSearch.com.ng, a leading postal code directory in Nigeria. You will discover the correct Rafi Postal Code (Rafi LGA Postal/Zip Code) of Niger State Nigeria (all streets, areas, district and towns) as you proceed further.

Good day and welcome to WikiSearch.com.ng, here we have a tables showing you all postal codes of RAFI local government area of Niger State. It sure should be an all in one guide to help you discover your current zip code of other regions in RAFI.

What we have here is all you need in relation to using the service of the Nigerian Postal Service (NIPOST) to have an item delivered to your location. You can also use this information while shopping online as your delivery address.

Our RAFI Postal Code (RAFI Postcodes) table shows zip/postal codes of all the towns and areas situated in RAFI (an area/region in Niger State). Also note that Postal Code and Zip Codes means same thing, people often have these confussion when they are been asked to provide correct zip code for their location while they only know of their postal code.

This list is grouped alphabetically for easy navigation and discovery of your area’s postal code around RAFI municipal/Local government area.

See below for all RAFI Postal Codes for Niger State, Nigeria.


Location Postcode
Abidi 922102
Ajimi 922102
Akusu 922102
G. Majaman 922102
Garungabas 922102
Guna 922102
Gunugu 922102
Guria 922102
Gushi 922102
Jangaru 922102
Jimawa 922102
Kato 922102
Kundu 922102
Kwange 922102
Lelemu 922102
Pangu 922102
Sheta 922102
T. Maijaki 922102
T. Mauzu 922102
Ushama 922102
Yakila 922102


Location Postcode
G.Abaki 922103
Afilamaza 922103
Bakura 922103
Barkin Koci 922103
Bisama 922103
Bisura 922103
Canye 922103
D. Mainono 922103
Dasa 922103
G. B. Wakili 922103
G. Bagugu 922103
G. Baji 922103
G. Bidawa 922103
G. Bwabiyu 922103
G. Dangana 922103
G. Dankanu 922103
G. Gajere 922103
G. Haruna 922103
G. Kadaku 922103
G. Koko 922103
G. Maidoka 922103
G. Maidugu 922103
G. Maima 922103
G. Myau 922103
G. Sualia 922103
G. Tawai 922103
G. Telu 922103
G. Ukuru 922103
G. W. Mmaturu 922103
G. Wagari 922103
G.. S. usama 922103
G.Danjuma 922103
G.Dogonkagari 922103
G.Gamahemari 922103
G.Jibomakeri 922103
Gidigori 922103
Godere 922103
Jakiri 922103
K. Kano 922103
Karaku 922103
Kashuwa 922103
Keke 922103
Kofanpawa 922103
Kugu 922103
Kukoki 922103
Kusheriki 922103
Masuku 922103
Moogo 922103
S. Gida 922103
S. ukusu 922103
Sambuga 922103
Shamuyambu 922103
T. Bako 922103
Tukunguna 922103
U. Hamza 922103
U. Sani 922103
U. Toro 922103
Ufwaka 922103
Ukushe 922103
Ukusu 922103
Uregi 922103
Ushama 922103
Zari 922103


Location Postcode
Dan-Gwasa 922104
Dogonfili 922104
G. Auta 922104
G. Biyuboki 922104
G. Dangaladima 922104
G. Dassa 922104
G. Galadima 922104
G. Jatau 922104
G. Kalia 922104
G. Kuyambana 922104
G. Maiduku 922104
G. Nakada 922104
G. Sarkinoma 922104
G.Masira 922104
G.Wusheynu 922104
Gabi 922104
Ganye 922104
Kwongoma 922104
Maikujeri 922104
Mangoro 922104
Pandogori 922104
Ringa 922104
T. Makeri 922104
Uranciki 922104
Ussiba 922104


Location Postcode
Agwai 922101
Ankawa 922101
B. Gona 922101
Bangu 922101
Biito 922101
D. Padama 922101
Dada 922101
G. Abashi 922101
G. Angu 922101
G. Barau 922101
G. Danbiki 922101
G. Dangama 922101
G. Dangoru 922101
G. Danjuma 922101
G. Dijimakert 922101
G. Jada 922101
G. Katina 922101
G. Kushama 922101
G. Maiganga 922101
G. Maikangara 922101
G. Manzo 922101
G. Tanko 922101
G. Wakayi 922101
G. Wani 922101
G. Zubdomgi 922101
Gende 922101
Gini 922101
Gisisi 922101
Godora 922101
Gulangi 922101
Gunugu 922101
Halatayi 922101
Indaki 922101
Inga 922101
Inga Gari 922101
Jambaka 922101
Jiro 922101
K. Madaka 922101
Kagara 922101
Kakuri 922101
Katako 922101
Kuru 922101
Kwana 922101
Luaga 922101
Machinanugu 922101
Madagwa 922101
Mahanga 922101
Natsina 922101
Rubo 922101
Rubu 922101
Sabon Gari 922101
Samboro 922101
Sufawa 922101
T. Ceshi 922101
T. Duste 922101
Tegina 922101
Tunma 922101
U. Alhaji 922101
U. Uban-Dawaki 922101
U.Butsi 922101
Ugu 922101
Ussa 922101
Wayan 922101
Yalwa 922101
Categories: Niger State