Vandeikya LGA Postal Code

Hi there, you will discover the correct Vandeikya Postal Code | Vandeikya LGA Postal/Zip Code of Benue State Nigeria.

Good day, here we have a tables showing you all postal codes of Vandeikya local government area of Benue State. It sure should be an all in one guide to help you discover your current zip code of other regions in Vandeikya.

What we have here is all you need in relation to using the service of the Nigerian Postal Service (NIPOST) to have an item delivered to your location. You can also use this information while shopping online as your delivery address.

Our Vandeikya Postal Code (Vandeikya Postcodes) table shows zip/postal codes of all the towns and areas situated in Vandeikya, a region in Benue State.

This list is grouped alphabetically for easy navigation and discovery of your area’s postal code around Vandeikya municipal.

See below for all Vandeikya Postal Codes.


Location Postcode
Mfor 982107
Naa 982107
Tse-Isua 982107
Achwa 982107
Adobi 982107
Ahile Jime 982107
Branch Atser 982107
Gorkem 982107
Gube 982107
Jape 982107


Location Postcode
Aginde 982105
Ankar 982105
Tse-Sho 982105
Uganden 982105
Vandeikya 982105


Location Postcode
Abaki 982112
Tor-Tiv 982112
Alagh-Ngulum 982112
Tse-Amough 982112
Alakali 982112
Tse-Gedege 982112
Anongo 982112
Tse-Ji 982112
Bako 982112
Uka 982112
Gbagbongom 982112
Igbee 982112
Ihugh 982112
Ivenge 982112
Kiishi 982112
Labe 982112
Mandun 982112
Mbaakon 982112
Mede 982112
Moji 982112
Ndete 982112


Location Postcode
Adamgbe 982109
Agera 982109
Agidi-Mbakena 982109
Guda 982109
Mbayongo 982109
Shangbum 982109
Tse-Atuul 982109
Tse-Wande 982109
Tyemimongo 982109


Location Postcode
Agirgba 982106
Bako 982106
Korinya 982106
Nor-Gemaityo 982106


Location Postcode
Tsambe 982111
Tse-Anshungu 982111
Tse-Nduul 982111
Yaaya 982111
Adeiyongo 982111
Ager 982111
Atayo 982111
Dav 982111
Ifan 982111
Kaamem 982111
Lijam Mue 982111
Nyaro 982111


Location Postcode
Arijonpeye 341119
Aso-Finch 341119
Ero 341119
Owajalaye 341119
Sanusi 341119
Agu 982110
Tse-Kpum 982110
Ako Abwa 982110
Tse-Mker 982110
Akofate 982110
Anza Tokuyo 982110
Bako 982110
Koti-Yough 982110
Kpamor 982110
Kyoosu Ugo 982110
Mbaakon 982110
Pev 982110
Sambe 982110
Sati 982110
Taatihi 982110
Timbir 982110
Tse-Dabo 982110
Tse-Kase Nor 982110


Location Postcode
Abwa 982108
Agbile 982108
Betse 982108
Change 982108
Dagba 982108
Gbe 982108
Gbegba 982108
Hembe 982108
Ikpoikpo 982108
Shan 982108
Tile 982108
Tsar 982108
Categories: Benue State